The Imminent List

In these paintings, I wanted to document the end stages of a life, the slow and intimate - sometimes excruciating - moments that the outside world so rarely sees. Processing the last chapter of life not only transforms the individual who is experiencing it, but has a ripple effect on those that surround them. It is complex and multi-dimensional. There are times when this period of life is incredibly beautiful. In my work for example, I’ve witnessed a patient’s sister hold her and sing to her in Spanish, or two daughters dance and sway to the Motown station by their mother’s bedside. On the other hand however — while we often address the grief over losing someone you love, there is also sometimes a grappling of residual resentment, anger and frustration. Sometimes, the finality of death forces us to have to come to terms with imperfect human relationships.

(Note: People depicted in the paintings are NOT my social work patients or clients, as I feel that would be a conflict of interest.)

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